Sunday, September 22, 2013

Vocab #5

1. When my dog ran away I was very plaintive because I loved him.
2. The guy was very flaunt about his car, but I thought it was an ugly color.
3. I was very distraught after me and my bestfriend stopped talking.
4. I was late for the meeting, for that I was at the end of queue.
5. I was excited about my friends money accuring, but I was sad because it wasn't mine.
6. I went to a race and it seemed like the cars were relentless, but I realized they stopped every once in a while.
7. I was leery about telling people secrets because they might tell.
8. When I go out in public and see old people, I do my best to not act crass.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vocabulary #4

1. Because he is afraid to talk to girls, the hapless boy can’t get a girlfriend. 
2. I saw a guy that looked like someone I knew, so I had to scrutinize on his face.
3. I welcomed MTV to my domicileunfortunately I didn't have enough cars.
4. I tried to clarify to my teacher that I did the wrong homework, but it only made me look more like a liar.
5. People may say that mine and Erving’s vlog was asinine in a funny way, but that’s how we normally act.
6. I inferred that my friend liked the girl because he always talks about her and gives her that look.
7. I should be a lawyer when I grow up because I’m so eloquent and I can get myself out of trouble.
8. He got into a strife with his girlfriend and he got mad and rented a hotel room.

The Chronicles Of Jorge

Why hello there, my name is Jorge Delgado and the last time I checked I was 15 years old. I lived a pretty normal life before high school, hung out with friends a lot and did my time in the outside world and inside playing video games. I went to Ontiveros for elementary and I went to Tommie Kunst for jr. high. Elementary was alright but jr high mmm I liked it way more and had a lot fun while I was there and I miss it a little. Anyways lets get this show on the road!
Alright well, summer wasn’t all that fun it was pretty boring cause I was home alone 99% of the time. But at the same time it was cool, because it gave me a lot of time to find and listen to a lot of new music because I’m a fan of almost any kind of music. I was supposed to go to Lake Tahoe (wherever that is) and it sounded really fun but my momma never took us so I was all sad about it and lost all hope in mankind. So yeah you know, I spent the night at my friend Ervnig’s house and we had a crazy night. We were popping bottles and broke a couple windows, but it was all good in the hood cause we blamed Erving’s brother muahaha. Then after that we went shopping and bumped music really loud in the car and Erving was trying really hard to get the ladies but it didn’t work out entirely great for him.
When I grow up and graduate from high school, I really don’t know what I’m gonna be. I don’t even know if I wanna go to college, or what college I would actually wanna go to. I’ll probably work my way up to being someone important like a business man. But then again that kind of job seems boring and I want a job that’ll be a lot of fun. Or maybe I can be someone famous and have a lot of fun, maybe I’ll become a musician. Maybe I’ll be a rapper like Chance The Rapper or a singer Frank Ocean. Holy cow at this rate I might as well start a band and call it like Bottle Poppers and we’ll be like a second Wu-Tang combined with Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros sort of thing. Or I can be Kid Cudi and be all of them at the same time, yeah that sounds a lot more like it.